Duration & Place
The residency lasts for up to six weeks but must be a minimum of three. This time can be broken into several visits. The area is remote and takes time to get to know. There is no road access to the reserve and artists must be experienced in the outdoors and physically fit. Accommodation and a small work place are provided at a subsidised rate as a contribution to the running costs. The artist will be responsible for their own materials, travel expenses and subsistence including heat and light. A vehicle is essential as there is no public transport near the reserve.

Work produced during the residency will reflect the unique landscape and nature of Rahoy Hills Wildlife Reserve along with its history and the people connected with it. The warden and other people involved with projects on the reserve have a depth of knowledge that offers great insight into the place. There is also a long history of scientific recording and monitoring that is a resource for use.
The residency aims to benefit the artist, audiences and the reserve.
The artist will have a chance to be in an inspiring place informed by a wealth of knowledge that is rarely available. The work produced by the artist will spread knowledge of the reserve to a wider audience. The reserve will benefit from this increased awareness and from a proportion of sales generated from the artists work.
Residencies will be approved by a selection panel. The panel will endeavor to choose artists whose work has the potential to bring the reserve to a wider audience and to support the reserve.
Promotion of Work
The reserve is linked to a small gallery on the neighboring Ardtornish Estate, the Rahoy Hills Boilerhouse Gallery, in which the work will be shown. The only conditions of the residency are that the work is shown here before being seen elsewhere and that 30% of sales will go to the reserve.
After being shown at the Boilerhouse, another gallery, Resipole Studios, a commercial fine art gallery on Ardnamurchan, are also willing to show work and reduce their normal 40% in order to release funds for the artist to use as another donation. This will be at the discretion of the gallery.
Artists are also free to arrange their own exhibitions.

“Rahoy Hills Reserve is an extraordinary place and, in part, a true signifier of what has been lost from much of the Scottish wilderness. To draw and paint there in support of the Scottish Wildlife Trust has been a privilege and although the resulting paintings are far from representational, they are in direct response to being there, walking and immersing myself in its unique landscape.”

“I was selected to be artist in residence on the Rahoy Hills Estate in 2018. I spent the first two weeks of my time staying in November and exploring the estate and the varied and atmospheric environment that is to be found there. My work made from my time on the estate is a reflection of the dominant peaks that are part of the landscape, the shifting of the elements and the significant beauty of
the place.”

“My practice is inspired by contemplative moments spent in Scottish nature. I often create mystical landscapes which process encounters with Scotland’s wild beauty. The Rahoy Hills Wildlife Reserve on the Ardtornish estate has been a recent obsession. Spending six weeks on the reserve and accompanying the ranger, Steve Hardy, on a few of his surveys created a good understanding of its flora, fauna and geology. The oak woods provided much inspiration, however, the rushing Arienas burn and dramatic Beinn Ladain have all made their way into my works since this period.”
Ferry Cottage
Accommodation is available at Ferry Cottage, subject to availability. The cottage is a converted coach house opposite the village of Lochaline and at the mouth of Loch Aline. It has no telephone or internet connection and is on a private water supply. The private unmetalled no through road goes to Old Ardtornish. There it becomes a path and leads to Old Ardtornish Castle, once the seat of the Lord of the Isles.

Resipole Studios
Tucked away on the edge of Loch Sunart on the Ardnamurchan peninsula is Resipole Studios, a unique art gallery that showcases work from a range of contemporary Scottish artists. The award winning gallery was founded by Andrew Sinclair, BA (Hons) graduate from Duncan of Jordanstone, who decided to convert his family’s old farm byre into a contemporary art venue that would provide a beacon for arts of the area. Within its three exhibition rooms the gallery has shown works from International artists to West Coast group shows and regularly hosts a broad range of solo exhibitions.
Resipole Studios are delighted to be able to work with the Rahoy Wildlife Reserve and its Artist in Residency programme. Looking forward to collaborative exhibition possibilities in the future.
Resipole Studios is open to the public from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. closed Mondays. During the months of December, January, February and March the gallery is open by appointment.